Za potrebe izvođenja nastave na sveučilišnom diplomskom studijskom programu „Fizika“, smjeru „Fizika okoliša“ nabavljen je set stručne literature. Nabavljena je literatura na engleskom jeziku, sukladno planiranom izvođenju nastave na engleskom jeziku.
1 | Fox and McDonald’s Introduction to Fluid Mechanics |
2 | Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: Physical and Numerical Aspects |
3 | An Introduction to Boundary Layer Meteorology |
4 | Statistics of extremes |
5 | Environmental Data Analysis with MATLAB |
6 | Modelling methods for marine science |
7 | Ocean Modelling for Beginners |
8 | Advanced Ocean Modelling |
9 | Physical Oceanography: A Mathematical Introduction with MATLAB |
10 | Fundamentals of geophysical fluid dynamics |
11 | Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers |
12 | Climate Change and Climate Modeling |
13 | An Introduction to solar radiation |
14 | Light and photosynthesis in aquatic ecosystems |
15 | Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering |
16 | Mathematical Biology: An Introduction |
17 | Mathematical Modeling of Earth’s Dynamical Systems |
18 | Practical Meteorology, An Algebra-based Survey of Atmospheric Science |
19 | Data Analysis Methods in Physical Oceanography |
20 | Atmosphere, Ocean, and Climate Dynamics, An Introductory Text |
21 | Numerical Recipes 3rd Edition: The Art of Scientific Computing 3rd Edition |
22 | Numerical Methods for Engineers |
23 | Essentials of the Earth’s Climate System |
24 | Air Pollution and Global Warming: History, Science, and Solutions |
25 | Elements of Mathematical Ecology |
26 | Fundamentals in Nuclear Physics |
27 | Introductory Nuclear Physics, 2nd Edition |
28 | Theoretical Nuclear Physics |
29 | Problems and Solutions on Atomic, Nuclear and Particle Physics |
30 | Problems and Solutions on Atomic, Nuclear and Particle Physics |