Voditelj istraživačke grupe
Andrina Granić Redoviti profesor u trajnom zvanju
- tel: +385 21 619285
- Kabinet B2-12
- andrina.granic@pmfst.hr
Department of Computer Science and Department of Social & Human Sciences
Research areas:
- Adaptive and personalized interfaces and interactions
- User modelling
- Usability, accessibility and user experience
- Affective computing and interaction
- Multimodal interaction and interfaces
- Context-awareness and ubiquitous learning
- Technology Enhanced Learning
- Usable interactive technologies for active and healthy ageing
- Technology acceptance
Članovi grupe
Research description:
Research interests of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) group are related to user interfaces and interactions between humans and Information Society Technology (IST) products and services, or in other words interactive products, we use in our daily life to accomplish different tasks. Here the term interactive products can be used generally to refer to all classes of technologies, interactive systems, environments, tools, applications, services and devices. We believe that understanding people’s needs and abilities is vital to developing successful future IST products and services. In that respect we conduct research related to design, implementation and evaluation of interactive products with engaging usable interfaces taking also into account the individuality of the user since the “one-size-fits-all” approach to interaction design is not usually appropriate. Questioning and re-envisioning current interaction modalities has resulted in new forms of communication designed and developed also under an umbrella of related undergraduate and graduate courses.
Contacts with academic and other institutions:
- Rawls College of Business, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, USA
- Department of Computer Science, School of Science & Technology, Middlesex University London, London, United Kingdom
- Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Information Visualization and Visual Analytics, Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics, Darmstadt, Germany
- School of Computing and Information Systems, Athabasca University, Canada
- School of Science and Technology, Hellenic Open University, Patras, Greece
Description of the current cooperation:
Head of research group has been involved or is currently participating, as coordinator or as partner, in a number of internationally and nationally funded projects. Close cooperation and conducted research in those partnerships have established good base ground for current fruitful collaborations. Besides, for the HCI group is beneficial that the head of the group is Croatian representative in the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Technical Committee on Human-Computer Interaction (TC13).
Plans for future research:
- Affective computing and interaction: since emotions play usually an important role but are often left aside when designing technology in general, we will investigate how we can design interactive products that are more aware of peoples’ affective states and can use that information to tailor interaction process.
- Multimodal interaction and interfaces: since humans are using multimodality extensively to communicate with each other, we are interested in designing, implementing and evaluating the next generation of computer interfaces that can improve the experience or the efficiency of the interaction with computers (such as voice control, sound interaction, gesture recognition, touch screens, haptic feedback, augmented reality).
- Usable interactive technologies for active and healthy ageing: health is a domain of immense significance to society and the use of interactive technologies in clinical practice, preventative education and treatment has become pervasive. However, since there is evidence that current healthcare systems are often difficult to use and failing to address individual needs of clinicians and patients adequately, we are also attracted to explore people’s interactions with those technologies to design usable and effective interactions.
List of selected research papers (journal papers)
- Granić, Andrina; Marangunić, Nikola. (2019) Technology acceptance model in educational context: A systematic literature review. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50, 5; 2572-2593.
- Granić, Andrina; Nakić, Jelena; Marangunić, Nikola. (2019) Scenario-based Group Usability Testing as a Mixed Methods Approach to the Evaluation of Three-Dimensional Virtual Learning Environments. Journal of Educational Computing Research, doi:10.1177/0735633119859918
- Žižić, Anisija; Granić, Andrina; Lukie, Michael Paul. (2017) What about Creativity in Computer Science Education? International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity, 5, 1&2; 95-108.
- Nakić, Jelena; Granić, Andrina; Glavinić, Vlado. (2015) Anatomy of student models in adaptive learning systems: A systematic literature review of individual differences from 2001 to 2013. Journal of Educational Computing Research. 51, 4; 459-489.
- Marangunić, Nikola; Granić, Andrina. (2015) Technology acceptance model: a literature review from 1986 to 2013. Universal Access in the Information Society. Springer. 14, 1; 81-95.
- Granić, Andrina; Maratou, Vicky; Mettouris, Christos; Papadopoulos, George A., Xenos, Michalis. (2015) Personalized Context-Aware Recommendations in 3D Virtual Learning Environments. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology. 396-406.
- Sotiriou, Sofoklis; Granić, Andrina. (2015) A Network for the Enhancement of Digital Competence Skills. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology. 10-20.
- Zaharija, Goran; Mladenović, Saša; Granić, Andrina. (2014) Learning from Each Other: An Agent Based Approach. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8514, 475-486.
- Orehovački, Tihomir; Granić, Andrina; Kermek, Dragutin. (2013) Evaluating the Perceived and Estimated Quality in Use of Web 2.0 Applications. The Journal of Systems and Software. 86, 12; 3039-3059.
- Granić, Andrina; Marangunić, Nikola; Mitrović, Ivica. (2013) Usability Inspection of Web Portals: Results and Insights from Empirical Study. International Journal of Computer Science Issues. 10, 2; 234-241.
- Nakić, Jelena; Graf, Sabine; Granić, Andrina. (2013) Exploring the Adaptation to Learning Styles: The Case of AdaptiveLesson Module for Moodle. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 7946; 534-550.
- Orehovački, Tihomir; Kermek, Dragutin; Granić, Andrina. (2013) Examining the Quality in Use of Web 2.0 Applications: A Three-Dimensional Framework. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 373; 149-153.
- Mladenović, Saša; Granić, Andrina; Zaharija, Goran. (2013) An Approach to Universal Interaction on the Case of Knowledge Transfer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8010, 604-613.
- Marangunić, Nikola; Granić, Andrina. (2012) TAM – četvrt stoljeća istraživanja. Suvremena Psihologija, 15, 2; 205-224.
- Granić, Andrina; Adams, Ray. (2011) User Sensitive Research in e-Learning: Exploring the Role of Individual User Characteristics. Universal Access in the Information Society. 10, 3; 307-318.
- Granić, Andrina; Ćukušić, Maja. (2011) Usability Testing and Expert Inspections Complemented by Educational Evaluation: A Case Study of an e-Learning Platform. Educational Technology & Society. 14, 2; 107-123.
- Granić, Andrina; Mitrović, Ivica; Marangunić, Nikola. (2011) Exploring the Usability of Web Portals: a Croatian Case Study. International Journal of Information Management. 31, 4; 339-349.
- Granić, Andrina; Mitrović, Ivica; Marangunić, Nikola. (2011) Development of the Evaluation Form for Expert Inspections of Web Portals. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6757, 383-386.
- Nakić, Jelena; Marangunić, Nikola; Granić, Andrina. (2011) Learning Styles and Navigation Patterns in Web-Based Education. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 6768; 587-596.
- Sielis, George A.; Papadopoulos, George, A.; Granić, Andrina. (2011) Design of a Multi-interface Creativity Support Tool for the Enhancement of the Creativity Process. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 6768; 632-641.
- Ćukušić, Maja; Alfirević, Nikša; Granić, Andrina; Garača, Željko. (2010) e-Learning process management and the e-learning performance: Results of a European empirical study. Computers & Education, 55, 2; 554-565
- Mladenović, Saša; Granić, Andrina; Maršić, Ivana. (2010) Odabir kombinacija odjevnih predmeta potpomognut računalom. Tekstil : časopis za tekstilnu tehnologiju i konfekciju, 59, 10; 463-469.
- Granić, Andrina; Nakić, Jelena. (2010) Enhancing the Learning Experience: Preliminary Framework for User Individual Differences. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6389, 384-399.
- Granić, Andrina; Mifsud, Charles; Ćukušić, Maja. (2009) Design, Implementation and Validation of a Europe-wide Pedagogical Framework for e-Learning. Computers & Education. 53, 4; 1052-1081.
- Granić, Andrina; Ćukušić, Maja; Walker, Rob. (2009) mLearning in a Europe-wide Network of Schools. Educational Media International. 46, 3; 167-184.
- Nazemi, Kawa; Ćukušić, Maja; Granić, Andrina. (2009) eLearning 2.0 – Technologies for Knowledge Transfer in European-Wide Network of Schools. The Journal of Software, Special Issue on “Advanced Distance Education Technologies”. 4, 2; 108-115.
- Marangunić, Nikola; Granić, Andrina. (2009) The Influence of Cognitive and Personality Characteristics on User Navigation: An Empirical Study. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5616, 216-225.
- Glavinić, Vlado; Granić, Andrina. (2008) HCI Research for e-Learning: Adaptability and Adaptivity to Support Better User Interaction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5298, 359-376.
- Granić, Andrina. (2008) Experience with Usability Evaluation of e-Learning Systems. Universal Access in the Information Society, 7, 4; 209-221
- Hornung, Christoph; Granić, Andrina; Ćukušić, Maja; Nazemi, Kawa. (2008) eKnowledge Repositories in eLearning 2.0: UNITE – a European-Wide Network of Schools. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5145, 99-110.
- Granić, Andrina; Ćukušić, Maja. (2007) Universal Design within the Context of e-Learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4556, 617-626.
- Adams, Ray; Granić, Andrina. (2007) Creating Smart and Accessible Ubiquitous Knowledge Environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4555, 3-12.
- Granić, Andrina; Stankov, Slavomir; Nakić, Jelena. (2007) Designing Intelligent Tutors to Adapt Individual Interaction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4397 (2007), 137-153.
- Granić, Andrina; Glavinić, Vlado. (2002) User Interface Specification Issues for Computerized Educational Systems. Journal of Computing and Information Technology – CIT, 10, 3; 181-187.