Employees at the Department of Polytechnics collaborate with various scientific-research and business institutions in the country and abroad, as well as in research covering the different areas:
- Studying and analysing methods in recognising and tracking objects using computer vision, especially objects in water. Developing methods for separating dynamic and static background in images.
- Studying properties of new technologies: superconductivity, supercapacitors, electrochemical flow capacitors, nanotechnology and their application in power engineering, especially renewable energy sources.
- Analysing transient electromagnetic responses from conducting wire structures. Optimising numerical terrain modelling and losses directly in the time domain with respect to time calculations and memory requirements.
- Fatigue strength: studying methods for estimating the lifetime of welded metal structures, with the focus on stress analysis. Detecting and assessing damage in composite structures by applying advanced mathematical algorithms.
- Curriculum for General technical education: the subject of research is the developmental tendencies of formal strategies in acquiring general technical competences. The emphasis is placed on theoretical and practical aspects of teaching, as well as international experience in general technical training.
- Analysing the possible uses of didactic aids in teaching as well as the development and use of didactic aids for different age groups with an emphasis on electrical engineering.
Naziv | Šifra | Trajanje | Su/Voditelj | Suradnici |
Pogonska čvrstoća konstrukcija sa i bez zamornih pukotina | 2-08-197 | 1991 – 1995 | Tomislav Matić | |
Istraživanje utjecajnih parametara na pogonsku čvrstoću | 023031 | 1996 – 2002 | Tomislav Matić | |
Pogonska čvrstoća konstrukcija i strojeva | 0023023 | 2002 – 2006 | Tomislav Matić | |
Vodik ili biodizel u gradskom javnom prijevozu | 177-0000000-1931 | 2006 – 2012 | Ante Krstulović | Tomislav Matić
Vedran Boras Endri Garafulić |
Kvaliteta i pouzdanost pogona EES Hrvatske na regionalnom tržištu el. energije | 165-1651481-1482 | 2006 – 2012 | Vedran Boras | |
Modeliranje ljudskog tijela i izvora zračenja: okolišni i zdravstveni aspekti | 023-0231582-1585 | 2007 – 2012 | Siniša Antonijević | |
Pogonska čvrstoća materijala i konstrukcija | 023-0231744-1745 | 2007 – 2014 | Tomislav Matić | |
Računalni vid u identifikaciji kinematike sportskih aktivnosti | 177-0232006-1662 | 2009 – 2013 | Vladan Papić | Hrvoje Turić
Vladimir Pleština |
Naziv | Izvor financiranja | Trajanje | Su/Voditelj | Suradnici |
Primjena termografije u energetskom pregledu i energetskoj certifikaciji | hrvatsko-srpski bilateralni projekt | 2011 – 2012 | Endri Garafulić | |
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Study of Power Line Communications (PLC) Services | Hrvatsko-francuski bilateralni projekt | 2011 – 2013 | Siniša Antonijević | |
Eksperimentalno i numeričko ispitivanje APM kuglica s naprednom strukturom ćelija | hrvatsko-slovenski bilateralni projekt | 2012 – danas | Endri Garafulić |