Head of the research group

Group members

  • dr.sc. Ivana Restović (Filozofski fakultet u Splitu)

Department of Biology

Research areas:

  • Histology
  • Embriology
  • Zoology
  • Immunohistochemistry
  • Electron microscopy

Research description:

Group for histology and electron microscopy includes scientists who are investigating the histological features of animal, human and plant tissues at the level of a light microscope and ultrastructural structure of tissues at the level of transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Light microscopy techniques include classical histochemistry, immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence. Electron microscopy includes standard tissue preparation for TEM and immunogold technique. Research in collaboration with the Laboratory for Early Human Development, Faculty of Medicine, University of Split as well as with Department of Pathology, Clinical Hospital Dubrava Zagreb, is based on the histological features of early embryonic development of human tissues and organs. The collaboration with the Laboratory of Aquaculture, Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries is based on diseases of marine organisms, with emphasis on parasitic diseases of fish and shellfish in aquaculture. Plant tissues are studied in collaboration with the Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation.

Contacts with academic and other institutions:

– Medicinski fakultet u Splitu
– Institut za oceanografiju i ribarstvo u Splitu
– Institut za jadranske kulture i melioraciju krša u Splitu
– Klinička bolnica Dubrava u Zagrebu
– Institute for Marine Molecular Biology (Bergen, Norveška)

Description of the current cooperation:

The collaboration is based on the common scientific research in the frame of the research projects. The main research is based on the histological investigation of the human and animal, and lately plant tissue, specially at the level of the transmission electron microscoy.

Plans for future research:

Future research will be based on the implementation of the new research techniques as well as the involving of the new collaborations.

List of selected research papers:

1. Bočina, Ivana; Šantić, Živko; Restović, Ivana; Topić, Snježana.
Histology of the digestive system of the garfish Belone belone (Teleostei: Belonidae). // The European Zoological Journal. 84 (2017) , 1; 89-95

2. Bočina, Ivana; Ružić, Sandra; Restović, Ivana; Paladin, Antonela.
Histological features of the digestive tract of the adult European hake Merllucius merluccius (Pisces: Merlucciidae). // The Italian journal of zoology. 83 (2016) , 1; 26-33

3. Restović, Ivana; Vukojević, Katarina; Saraga- Babić, Mirna; Bočina, Ivana.
Ultrastructural features of the dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula (Pisces: Scyliorhinidae) notochordal cells and the notochordal sheath. // The Italian journal of zoology. 83 (2016) , 3; 329-337

4. Vukojević, Katarina; Filipović, Natalija; Tica Sedlar, Ivana; Restović, Ivana; Bočina, Ivana; Pintarić, Irena; Saraga-Babić, Mirna.
Neuronal differentiation in the developing human spinal ganglia. // Anatomical record-advances in integrative anatomy and evolutionary biology. 299 (2016) , 8; 1060-1072

5. Lepen Pleić, Ivana; Bušelić, Ivana; Trumbić, Željka; Bočina, Ivana; Šprung, Matilda; Mladineo, Ivona.
Expression analysis of the Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) pro-inflammatory cytokines, IL-1β, TNFα1 and TNFα2 in response to parasites Pseudocycnus appendiculatus (Copepoda) and Didymosulcus katsuwonicola (Digenea). // Fish & shellfish immunology. 45 (2015) , 2; 946-954

6. Restović, Ivana; Vukojević, Katarina; Paladin, Antonela; Saraga-Babić, Mirna; Bočina, Ivana.
Immunohistochemical Studies of Cytoskeletal and Extracellular Matrix Components in Dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula L. Notochordal Cells. // Anatomical record. 298 (2015) , 10; 1700-1709

7. Deng, Wei; Nies, Florian; Feuer, Anja; Bočina, Ivana; Oliver, Dominik; Jiang, Di.
Anion translocation through an Slc26 transporter mediates lumen expansion during tubulogenesis. // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110 (2013) , 37; 14972-14977

8. Denker, Elsa; Bočina, Ivana; Jiang, Di.
Tubulogenesis in a simple cell cord requires the formation of bi-apical cells through two discrete Par domains. // Development (Cambridge). (2013) , 140; 2985-2996

9. Mladineo, Ivona; Petrić, Mirela; Hrabar, Jerko; Bočina, Ivana; Peharda, Melita.
Reaction of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (Bivalvia) to Eugymnanthea inquilina (Cnidaria) and Urastoma cyprinae (Turbellaria) concurrent infestation. // Journal of invertebrate pathology. 110 (2012) , 1; 118-125

10. Saraga-Babić, Mirna; Vukojević, Katarina; Bočina, Ivana; Drnasin, Kristina; Saraga, Marijan.
Ciliogenesis in normal human kidney development and post-natal life. // Pediatric nephrology. 27 (2012) , 1; 55-63 (članak, znanstveni).

11. Bočina, Ivana; Ljubešić, Nikola; Saraga-Babić, Mirna.
Cilia-like structures anchor the amphioxus notochord to its sheath. // Acta Histochemica. 113 (2011) , 1; 49-52

12. Mladineo, Ivona; Bočina, Ivana; Przybyla, Cyrille; Fievet, Julie; Blancheton, Jean-Paul.
Fish growth and health aspects in sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) reared in standard vs. high rate algal pond recirculation system. // Aquatic living resources. 23 (2010) , 2; 217-224

13. Planinić, Davor; Bočina, Ivana; Perić, Berislav.
Prevalence of Odontogenic Keratocysts Associated with Impacted Third Molars. // Collegium antropologicum. 34 (2010) , S1; 221-224

14. Mladineo, Ivona; Bočina, Ivana.
Type and ultrastructure of Didymocystis wedli and Koellikerioides intestinalis (Digenea, Didymozoidae) cysts in captive Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.). // Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 25 (2009) ; 762-765

15. Mladineo, Ivona; Bočina, Ivana; Metaxa, Isabelle.
Ultrastructural Changes in Gill Ephitelium of Wels Catfish Silurus Glanis Adapted to Bracjfish Water. // Vie et Milieu – Life and Environment. 59 (2009) , 1; 69-78

16. Mladineo, Ivona; Šegvić, Tanja; Bočina, Ivana; Grubišić, Leon.
Redescription of Myxidium sphaericum (Thélohan, 1895) and Ceratomyxa beloneae (Lubat et al., 1989) from the gallbladder of the garpike Belone belone in the Adriatic Sea. // Acta Parasitologica. 54 (2009) , 4; 289-294

17. Saraga-Babić, Mirna; Bazina, Mirna; Vukojević, Katarina; Bočina, Ivana; Stefanović, Vedran.
Involvement of pro-apoptotic and anti-apoptotic factors in the early development of the human pituitary gland. // Histology and Histopathology. 23 (2008) , 10; 1259-1268

18. Dunkić, Valerija; Bezić, Nada; LJubešić, Nikola; Bočina, Ivana.
Glandular hair ultrastructure and essential oils in Satureja subspicata vis. Ssp. subspicata and Ssp. liburnica Šilić. // Acta biologica cracoviensia series botanica. 49 (2007) , 2; 45-51 (članak, znanstveni).

19. Mladineo, Ivona; Bočina, Ivana.
Extraintestinal gamogony of Aggregata octopiana in the reared common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) (Linnaeus, 1758) (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae). // Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 96 (2007) , 3; 261-264

20. Bočina, Ivana; Saraga-Babić, Mirna.
The notochordal sheath in amphioxus – an ultrastructural and histochemical study. // Collegium Antropologicum. 30 (2006) , 2; 361-367

21. Hrabar, Jerko; Trumbić, Željka; Bočina, Ivana; Bušelić, Ivana; Vrbatović, Anamarija; Mladineo, Ivona.
Interplay between proinflammatory cytokines, miRNA, and tissue lesions in Anisakis-infected Sprague-Dawley rats. // PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 13 (2019) , 5

22. Restović Ivana; Bočina, Ivana; Vukojević, Katarina; Kero, Darko; Filipović, Natalija; Raonić, Janja; Vukmirović, Filip; Vučković, Ljiljana; Saraga-Babić, Mirna.
Time Course and Expression Pattern of the Neuronal Markers in the Developing Human Spinal Cord. // International journal of developmental neuroscience. 74 (2019) , x; 1-10

23. Vitlov Uljević, Marija; Starčević, Kristina; Mašek, Tomislav; Bočina, Ivana; Restović, Ivana; Kević, Nives; Racetin, Anita; Kretzschmar, Genia; Grobe, Maximilian; Vukojević, Katarina; Saraga-Babić, Mirna; Filipović, Natalija.
Dietary DHA/EPA supplementation ameliorates diabetic nephropathy by protecting from distal tubular cell damage. // Cell and tissue research. 378 (2019) , 2; 301-317

24. Vitlov Uljević, Marija; Bočina, Ivana; Restović, Ivana; Kunac, Nenad; Mašek, Tomislav; Kretzschmar, Genia; Grobe, Maximilian; Šarić, Mia; Vukojević, Katarina; Saraga-Babić, Mirna; Filipović, Natalija.
Reabsorption in the proximal tubuli – an ultrastructural evidence for a novel aspect of renal VEGF trafficking. // Cell and tissue research. 374 (2018) , 1; 189-201

25. Vukojević, Katarina; Raguž, Fila; Saraga, Marijan; Filipović, Natalija; Bočina, Ivana; Kero, Darko; Glavina Durdov, Merica; Martinović, Vlatka; Saraga-Babić, Mirna.
Glomeruli from patients with nephrin mutations show increased number of ciliated and poorly differentiated podocytes. // Acta Histochemica. 120 (2018) , 8; 748-756

26. Žanić, Katja; Dumičić, Gvozden; Mandušić, Marija; Vuletin Selak, Gabriela; Bočina, Ivana; Urlić, Branimir; Ljubenkov, Ivica; Bučević Popović, Viljemka; Goreta Ban, Smiljana.
Bemisia tabaci MED Population Density as Affected by Rootstock-Modified Leaf Anatomy and Amino Acid Profiles in Hydroponically Grown Tomato. // Frontiers in plant science. 9 (2018)

27. Bušelić, Ivana; Trumbić, Željka; Hrabar, Jerko; Vrbatović, Anamarija; Bočina, Ivana; Mladineo, Ivona.
Molecular and cellular response to experimental Anisakis pegreffii (Nematoda, Anisakidae) third-stage larval infection in rats. // Frontiers in immunology. 9 (2018)

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