ECMetAC Days |
21-24 November, 2022, Split, Croatia |
5th Croatian Workshop on Chemical Education |
2-5 November, 2022, Split, Croatia |
LHC Days in Split |
3-8 October, 2022, Split, Croatia |
10th Physics and Phylosophy – Locality and Non-locality in Physics |
1-2 September, 2022, Split, Croatia |
7th Croatian Mathematical Congress |
15-18 June 2022, Split, Croatia |
9th Meeting on Physics and Philosophy – Summer School on Entropy
25 -27 August 2021, Split, Croatia |
8th Physics & Philosophy Meeting – Summer School on Fundamental concepts of quantum physics |
2-4 September, 2020., Split, Croatia |
4th Grandmaster Early-Career Workshop in Physics |
1-7 September, 2019., Split, Croatia |
Remote Sensing of Marine Ecosystems Workshop |
17 April, 2019., Split, Croatia |
Workshop on vertex algebras and infinite-dimensional Lie algebras |
22-24 November, 2018, Split, Croatia |
4th Croatian Workshop on Chemical Education |
7-10 November, 2018, Split, Croatia |
Mathematical Inequalities and Applications |
4-8 July, 2018, Zagreb, Croatia |
25 years of Topology seminar in Split |
8-9 June, 2018, Split, Croatia |
LHC Days in Split |
17-22 September, 2018, Split, Croatia |
Students to Students Split Summer School |
10-20. September, 2018, Split, Croatia |
14th International School of Biophysics |
23 August – 1. September, 2018, Split, Croatia |
7th Physics & Philosophy Meeting – Summer School on Chimera of Enthropy |
16-20 July, 2018/27.-28 September, 2018, Split, Croatia |
Applied Mathematics Day |
15. June, 2018, Split, Croatia |
Students to Students Split Summer School |
18-23. September, 2017, Split, Croatia |
Spin, Charge and Energy Transport in Novel Materials |
1.-7. October, 2017, Hvar, Croatia |
C-MAC Euroschool in Material Science |
10-15 September, 2017, Split, Croatia |
6th Physics & Philosophy Meeting in Conjunction with the Summer School |
4-7 July, 2017, Split, Croatia |
Active Learning in STEM Eucation Workshop |
12-14 June, 2017, Split, Croatia |
3. Croatia konferencija o kemijskom obrazovanju |
2-. November, 2016, Split, Croatia |
5th Physics & Philosophy Meeting |
7-8 July, 2016, Split, Croatia |
4th Physics & Philosophy Meeting |
6-7 July, 2015., Split, Croatia |
3rd Physics & Philosophy Meeting |
7-8 July, 2014, Split, Croatia |
Mathematical Inequalities and Applications |
22-26 June, 2014, Trogir, Croatia |
2nd Physics & Philosophy Meeting |
8-9 July, 2013, Split, Croatia |
2. Croatia konferencija o kemijskom obrazovanju |
8-11 November, 2012, Split, Croatia |
1st Physics & Philosophy Meeting |
12 July, 2012, Split, Croatia |
1. Croatia konferencija o kemijskom obrazovanju |
11-14 November, 2010, Split, Croatia |
Australia-Croatia workshop on antimicrobial peptides and Summer school in biophysics Phd programme |
8-13 August, 2010, Split, Croatia |
Mathematical Inequalities and Applications |
8-14 June, 2008, Trogir, Croatia |