Deparmtent of Mathematics

Research areas:

  • Graph theory
  • Complex networks
  • Mathematical chemistry
  • Algorithms
  • Discrete mathematics

Research description:

Central focus of the research of this group includes:
1) graph theory with emphasis on extremal graph theory; extremal graph theory analyzes maxima and minima of graph theoretical invariants on selected graph classes, e.g.: graphs with given number of vertices, trees with given number of vertices, chemical graphs with given number of vertices
2) algorithms with emphasis on graph theory algorithms, complex networks algorithms and combinatorial algorithms that enable better understanding of these graphs; finding optimal graphs and optimization of given graphs;
3) complex networks with emphasis on multiplexes, curriculum networks and network descriptors;
4) mathematical chemistry with emphasis on molecular descriptors, nanotechnology, peptide antibiotics;
5) discrete mathematics.
Our goal is to obtain purely mathematical results and multidisciplinary applications.

Contacts with academic and other institutions:

– GERAD, Montreal, Canada
– HEC Montréal, Canada
– Institut Ruđer Bošković, Zagreb, Hrvatska
– Langzhou University, China
– Sveučilište u Ljubljani, Ljubljana, Slovenija
– Sveučilište u Kragujevcu, Karagujevac, Srbija
– Sveučilište u Osijeku, Osijek, Hrvatska
– University of Susex, Brighton, United Kingdom
– University of Galveston, USA
– Univerity of Trieste, Trieste, Italy

Description of the current cooperation:

Joint research have been done with scientists form these institutions that have resulted in numerous scientific papers published in the multitude of distinguished scientific results. Bilateral scientific visits have been very useful for sharing scientific knowledge and experiences that significantly improved research abilities of collaborators.

Plans for future research:

Further scientific research and bilateral meetings are expected.

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