Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Split, Croatia
Phone: +385 21 619 200 , Location: soba B2-60, Ruđera Boškovića 33, Split, E-mail:
Znanstveno područje: prirodne znanosti i biotehničke znanosti , Znanstveno polje: biologija i biotehnologija
Scientific interest
- Biological activity of phytochemicals and phytonutrients
- Organization and evolution of genomes in higher plants: polyploidy, repetitive and mobile DNA sequences
- Arabidopsis thaliana – functional genetics: meiosis, telomere, DNA repair and recombination, cell cycle control
- Molecular basis of bacterial antibiotic resistance
- Genetics and molecular phylogeny of invasive species
- Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Croatian Biological Society
- Croatian Genetical Society
Scientific training and study visits
- 2005 Gregor Mendel Institute for Plant Molecular Biology – Austrian Academy of Science, Vienna, Austria
- 2002 – 2004 Gregor Mendel Institute for Plant Molecular Biology Austrian Academy of Science, Vienna, Austria
- 1998 Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Breeding, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
- 1996 Department of Plant Anatomy and Cytology, Silesian University, Katowice, Poland
- 1996 Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Breeding, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana
Acknowledgments and awards
- Award of the Rector of the University of Split, 1985.
- Award of the Rector of the University of Split, 1986.
- Award of the Rector of the University of Split, 1987,
- Award of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts (HAZU) for the best scientific accomplishment in Natural Sciences in 1998. (award shared with prof. dr. sc. Dražena Papeš)
- 1997. PhD degree in Biology, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Zagreb, Croatia
- 1992. MS degree in Biology University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Zagreb, Croatia
- 1988. Graduate degree in Biology, University of Split, Faculty of Natural Sciences Mathematics and Education, Split, Croatia
Work experience
- 2016 – today, Full Professor – Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Split
- 2014 – today Full Professor, Faculty of Science, University of Split
- 2009 – 2014 Associate Professor, Faculty of Science, University of Split
- 2013 – 2016 Member of the Scientific Council for Natural Sciences of the Republic of Croatia
- 2012 – today Deputy President of the Governing Board of the Institute for Adriatic Crops and Karst Reclamation, Split
- 2009 – 2012 Head of the Committee for the improvement of the quality of the Faculty of Science, University of Split
- 2008 – 2009 Vice Dean for Education, Faculty of Science, University of Split
- 2000 – 2002 Head of Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Split
- 2000 – 2009 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science, University of Split
- 1988 – 2000 Ph.D. student, Senior Assistant, Faculty of Science, University of Split
Matični broj znanstvenika : 171072
ReasercherID : E-2517-2017
Hrvatska znanstvena bibliografija
- 2021 – 2025, “Croatian Veronica species: Phytotaxonomy and Biological Activity” (CROVeS-PhyBA) (HRZZ-IP-2020-02-8425) Collaborator
- 2017 – 2021 „Genomic and epigenetic changes in auto- and allopolyploids on model Dalmatian tansy, shallot and anemone, 8432, Croatian Science Foundation – Collaborator
- 2007 – 2013 “Mechanisms of the genome stability maintenance in higher plants plants”, 177-11911196-0829, Ministry of Science, Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia – Principle Investigator
- 2007 – 2013 „Organization, function and mechanisms of evolution of the plant genome” 119-1191196-1201, Ministry of Science, Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia – Collaborator
- 2012 – 2013 “Genetics of brown algae from the genus Cytoseira (Phaeophyceae, Fucales) from the Adriatic Sea” Principle Coinvestigator in Croatian-Austrian bi-lateral project
- 2002 – 2006 “Genetic diversity of endemic and cultivated plants of Dalmatia”, 0177143, Ministry of Science, Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia – Principle Investigator
- 1999 – 2001 “Genetics of Allium ampeloprasum complex” – Principle Coinvestigator in Croatian-Slovenian bi-lateral project
- 1999 – 2001 “Genome organization and evolution of the genus Allium”, 177147, Ministry of Science, Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia – Principle Investigator
- 1988 – 2002 ”Differences in chromatin organization of higher plants”, 119112 – Collaborator
- Department of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
- Ruđer Bošković Institute Zagreb
- Faculty of Chemistry and Technology of the University of Split
- Faculty of Medicine, University of Split
- Mediterranean Institute for Life Research, Split
- Institute for Adriatic Cultures and Karst Amelioration, Split
- Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split
- Coburg University of Applied Sciences, Coburg, Germany
- The Pennsylvania State University (Penn State), State College, Pennsylvania, United States
- LOEWE Center for Insect Biotechnology & Bioresources, Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology, Giessen, Germany
- Department of Cytology and Genetics, Institute of Botany, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
- Centre for Plant Biotechnology and Breeding, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Invited lectures
- Congress of the Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Split, Croatia, 2016.
- International Conference on Polyploidy, Hybridization and Biodiversity, Rovinj, Croatia, 2016.
- 13th Biennial Conference of the German Society for Research on DNA Repair, DGDR, Mainz, Germany, 2014.
- Seminar of Croatian Society for Plant Biology, Zagreb, Croatia, 2014.
- 3rd Congress of Croatian Geneticists with international participation, Krk, Croatia, 2012.
- 10th Croatian Biological Congress with International Participation, Osijek, Croatia, 2009.
- 4th Congress of Slovenian Genetic Society and 2nd Meeting of the Slovenian Society of Human Genetics with International Participation, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2006.
- 2nd Congress of Croatian Geneticists, Supetar, Brač, Croatia, 2006.
- 8th Croatian Biological Congress with International Participation, Zagreb, Croatia, 2003.
- 6th Congress of Croatian Biologists with International Participation, Opatija, Croatia, 1997
- Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, 2015
- Journal of Experimental Botany, 2014
- Plant Systematics and Evolution, 2016
- BMC Evolutionary biology, 2014.
- Acta Botanica Croatica, 2012, 2015
- Nordic Journal of Botany, 2014, 2015, 2016
- Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 2014
- Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 2014
- Turkish Journal of Botany, 2015
- African entomology, 2012
Editorial Committee Member
- Organizing committee, International Conference on Polyploidy, Hybridization and Biodiversity, 11-14 May 2016, Rovinj, Croatia
- Scientific Committee, 11th Croatian Biological Congress with International Participation, 16th – 21st September 2012, Šibenik, Croatia
- Scientific Committee and reviewer, 10th Croatian Biological Congress with International Participation, Osijek, Croatia, 2009.
- Cell Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Split, Split, 1988 – 2001
- Genetics, Faculty of Science, University of Split, Split, 1988 – today
- Molecular Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Split, Split, 1988 – present
- Selected chapters of cytogenetics, Faculty of Science
- Genetics, University Sector Studies, 1988 – 2016
- Molecular Biology, University Department for Marine Studies, 2000 – 2016
- Evolution, University Sector Studies, 2000 – 2017
- Molecular Biology with Genetics, Faculty of Medicine and Chemical Technology, 2013 – 2016
- Genetics, University of Split, University Department of Marine Studies, 1988 – 2016
- Molecular biology, University of Split, University Department of Marine Studies. 2000 – 2016
- Evolution, University of Split, University Department of Marine Studies, 200 – 2017
- Molecular biology with genetics, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Chemistry and chemical technology, 2013 – 2016
- Molecular Genetics, Faculty of Science, University of Split, 2008 – present
- Evolution, Faculty of Science, University of Split, 2000 – present
- Molecular Cell Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Split
- Selected chapters from molecular genetics, Faculty of Science, University of Split
- Molecular Genetics, Faculty of Science, University of Split
Mentor – Undergraduate thesis
- Ivana Herceg (2016) „Mogućnosti aktivacije telomeraze i produljivanja telomera“
- Anthea Paut (2016) „Citoplazmatsko nasljeđivanje“
- Mia Rakušić (2016) „Ekspresija gena staničnog odgovora u mre11-2 mutantnoj liniji Arabidopsis thaliana (l.) nakon indukcije dvolančanih lomova DNA bleomicinom“
- Marija Gulan (2015) „Fosilni i molekularni dokazi evolucije kopnenih kralješnjaka“
- Ana – Marija Prolić (2015) „Telomere i telomeraza“
- Domagoj Vugić (2015) „Popravak DNK“
- Ivana Blažević (2014) „Razvoj sluha u kitova (Red: Cetaceae)“
- Mia Rakušić (2014) „Trinukleotidne ekspanzije“
- Kristina Begić (2013) „Transkripcijske šume, nekodirajuća RNA i geni“
- Petra Čikeš (2013) „Molekularni mehanizmi epigenetike“
- Martina Gašpar (2013) „Mitohondrijska DNA“
- Blanka Roje (2013) „Mehanizmi epigenetike“
- Ivana Radonić (2009) „Poliploidija u kamenica“
- Stela Vela (2008) „Genetički modificirana hrana“
Graduate thesis
- Vera Ožegović (2017) „Utjecaj prehrane na epigenom“
- Mia Juračić (2016) „Analiza molekularnih markera starenja i potencijal za pomlađivanje kod morske zvijezde Coscinasterias tenuispina“
- Antonija Mravak (2016) „Eksperimentalna evolucija u crva C. elegans „
- Mia Rakušić (2016) „Ekspresija gena staničnog odgovora u mre11-2 mutantnoj liniji Arabidopsis thaliana (l.) nakon indukcije dvolančanih lomova DNA bleomicinom“
- Nela Kelam (2015) „Fitocenološka analiza As. Ostryo-Quercetum virgilianae Trinajstić 1987 u široj okolici Radošića, Lećevica“
- Matea Marasović (2015) „Fitocenološka analiza As. Rhamno-Paliuretum Trinajstić 1996 u okolici Radošića, Lečevica“
- Lily Chowdhury (2014) „Dizajniranje i obilježavanje sonde za humane gene 18S rDNA
- Ante Juginović (2014) „Filogenetska analiza mitohondrijskih gena populacije puža vrste Cernuella virgata (da Costa 1778) s područja Zadra“
- Željana Mijić (2014) „Citogenetska analiza kariotipova vrste Allium pskemense B. Fedtsch. i usporedba sa srodnim vrstama Allium roylei Stearn i Allium cepa L“
- Ratko Cvitanić (2011) „Utjecaj bleomicina na mitotsku aktivnost mre11 i atm mutanata u vrste Arabidopsis thaliana.
- Ines Jurić (2011) „Primjena tehnike umnožavanja DNA lančanom reakcijom polimeraze (PCR) u identifikaciji atm i mre11 mutanata u vrste Arabidopsis thaliana „
- Milica Manojlović (2010) „Pregled znanstvenih predviđanja o mogućim pravcima evolucije“
- Srđana Rožić (2010) „Molekularna identifikacija vrsta smeđih alga Cystoseira spp. iz jadranskog mora“
- Žana Buklijaš (2009) „Primjena tehnike lančane reakcije polimeraze (PCR) u identifikaciji genotipa za MRE11 gen u vrste Arabidopsis thaliana“
- Vera Krešić (2009) „Genetička divergencija u prirodnih populacija kopnenog puža Helix aspersa Müller, 1774 u Hrvatskoj „
- Ivanka Podrug (2009) „Genotipizacija dviju mutantnih linija vrste Arabidopsis thaliana za MRE11 gen i citogenetička analiza njihove mejoze „
- Tea Šušnjara (2009) „Morfološka i molekularno-filogenetska analiza populacija puža Eobania vermiculata ( Gastropoda) iz Splita i s otoka Sušca“
- Marijana Zečević (2009) „Analiza stabilnosti mutacije MRE11 gena u biljne modelne vrste Arabidopsis thaliana“
- Ivana Lepen (2008) „Mapiranje 18S-5.8S-26S ribosomskih gena u triploidnog luka ljutika, Allium x cornutum Clementi ex Visiani“
- Marisa Škaljac (2008) „Primjena fluorescencijske hibridizacije in situ u vizualizaciji 18S-5.8S-26S rDNA u vrste Allium ampeloprasum L.“
- Jelena Šutić (2003) „Učestalost i važnost polimorfizama heterokromatina na humanom kromosomu br. 9 kod različitih sindroma“
Diploma thesis – co-leader
- Nikolina Vladislavić (2009) „Određivanje podrijetla populacije puža Siphonaria pectinata (L.) s područja Splita primjenom molekularno-genetičkih metoda“
- Višnja Biloš (2000) „Kromosomska istraživanja endemične vrste Hyacinthella dalmatica (Lallem.) Trinajstić s područja Kozjaka“
- Mirela Blažanin (2000) „Kariološka istraživanja endemične vrste Hyacinthella dalmatica (Lallem.) Trinajstić“
- Slavenka Kelam (2000) „Pregled novijih spoznaja o molekularnoj strukturi i funkciji telomera i enzima telomeraze“
- Katarina Carević (1999) „Analiza broja kromosoma vrste Allium ampeloprasum L. na području srednje Dalmacije“
- Nera Elez (1999) „Kromosomska istraživanja triju populacija metličastog luka, Allium paniculatum L. s područja srednje Dalmacije“
- Josipa Poljak (1999) „Utjecaj B-kromosoma na klijavost sjemenki blijedog luka (Allium pallens L. ssp. tenuiflorum)“
- Margita Vranković (1998) „Usporedba kariotipova u vrsta luka Allium cepa L. i Allium roylei Stearn“
- Sanda Marinov (1997) „Citogenetička istraživanja klonova češnjaka – Allium sativum L.“
- Ivica Šamanić (1997) „Istraživanje aloheksaploidnog luka i njegova usporedba s diploidnim klonovima češnjaka (Allium sativum L.)“
PhD thesis
- Ivica Šamanić (2012) „Uloga gena MRE11 u očuvanju stabilnosti genoma biljke Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh“, Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet, Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb.
- Željana Fredotović (2017) „Struktura genoma, kemijski sastav i biološka aktivnost triploidnog luka Allium x cornutum (Clementi ex Visiani 1842)“ Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb.