Tomislav RončevićVice dean for social responsibility and cooperation with the economy, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR

    Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Mathematics University of Split, Croatia
    Phone: +385 21 619 230 , Location: room B3-20, Ruđera Boškovića 33, Split
    Personal web page: – , E-mail:
    Znanstveno područje: Prirodne znanosti , Znanstveno polje: Biologija

    Scientific interest

    • Antimicrobial peptides – design, conformational changes and mode of action
    • Functional genomics, NGS data analysis
    • Bioinformatical predictions


    • Croatian Biophysical Society
    • Croatian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

    Scientific training and study visits

    • 12/11/2017 – 25/11/2017 – Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy
    • 01/05/2017 – 30/09/2017 – Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy
    • 30/05/2016 – 23/06/2016 – Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy
    • 01/06/2015 – 25/06/2015 – Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy

    Acknowledgments and awards

    • Faculty of Science (Split) award, in the field of natural sciences, for a paper published in an exceptional journal, 2016


    • 2014. – today, PhD in Biophysics, Faculty of Science, University of Split (expected to graduate late 2018.)
    • 2004. – 2014. Graduate degree in Biology and Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb

    Radno iskustvo

    • 2015. – today, PhD Student, Faculty of Science, University of Split

    ReasercherID : D-5597-2017


    • 15/09/2014 – 14/12/2017, „Biophysical design of antimicrobial peptides and innovative molecular descriptors”, 8481, Croatian Science Foundation, Collaborator
    • 01/05/2017 – 30/11/2017, „Antimicrobial peptides – new ways of dealing with multiresistant clinical pathogens and cancer cells”, 2181-202-01-01-17-0028, Student Quorum of the University of Split, Principal Investigator


    • Prof. Alessandro Tossi (Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy) – peptide synthesis, determination of conformation and mode of action of antimicrobial peptides
    • Prof. Vedrana Čikeš-Čulić (Faculty of Medicine, University of Split, Split, Croatia) – effect of antimicrobial peptides on cancer cell lines
    • Prof. Ana Maravić (Faculty of Science, University of Split, Split, Croatia) – susceptibility of standard bacterial strains and clinical pathogens on novel antimicrobial peptides
    • Dr. Marco Gerdol (Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy) – identification of novel antimicrobial peptides in vertebrates and invertebrates by combining data publicly available in transcriptomic & proteomic databases and next generation sequencing
    • Dr. Goran Gajski (Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health, Zagreb, Hrvatska) – cyto/genotoxicity effect of antimicrobial peptides on host cells (leukocytes)
    • Lucija Krce, PhD Student (Faculty of Science, University of Split, Split, Croatia) – testing the effect of antimicrobial peptides on bacterial membrane by atomic force microscopy


    • Bioinformatics (Practical course), Faculty of Science, University of Split, 2015 – today

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