Pozivamo Vas na 41. Fakultetski seminar Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta, koji će se održati u četvrtak 21. studenog 2019. godine u 11:00 sati u predavaonici B3-69 na kojem će Prof. Annette Ladstätter-Weißenmayer sa Sveučilišta u Bremenu i Instituta za fiziku okoliša (IUP/IFE) održati predavanje pod naslovom:
Studying at the University of Bremen and doing research at the Institute of Environmental Physics.
Annette Ladstätter-Weißenmayer
The University of Bremen is a medium-sized German university with around 20,000 students. More than 100 master and bachelor programs are offered. As part of the European university network YUFE – Young Universities for the Future of Europe – it is developing a new model for European higher education with other universities. The University of Bremen has a long established tradition in interdisciplinary cooperation and excellent research in natural sciences, engineering, the social sciences and the humanities.
At the department of Physics and Electrical Engineering beside national, international study programs are offered in the fields of Environmental Physics (PEP), Communication and Information Technology (CIT), Control, Microsystems, Microelectronics (CMM) and Space Sciences and Technologies (Space-ST).
Earth Sciences is one of the key research fields of the University of Bremen and the Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP) is one of the biggest institute at the department of Physics and Electrical Engineering with around 120 researchers, technicians etc.
The current foci of the IUPs research are on the changes in the chemical composition of the atmosphere from the local to the global scale and the changes in the ocean dynamics from process studies to large-scale circulation.
Napomena: Predavanje je motivirano potporom internacionalizaciji Sveučilišnog diplomskog studija Fizika: smjer Fizika okoliša s ciljem razvijanja znanstvene suradnje i razmjene studenata između PMFST i Sveučilišta u Bremenu. Stoga se uz studente Fizike okoliša posebno pozivaju i zainteresirani studenti preddiplomskog studija Fizika.