Pozivamo vas na predavanje koje će u srijedu, 15. svibnja 2024. godine s početkom u 13:00 sati održati prof. Mathew Timm, Bradley University, USA.
Tema predavanja je „Topological Measures of Complexity in Financial Networks“.
Predavanje će se održati u dvorani A1-1.
Sažetak predavanja i kratki životopis predavača su u nastavku.
Prof. Timm trenutno je na jednomjesečnom gostovanju na Odjelu za matematiku, PMF-a u Splitu zbog realizacije projekta Alternate Geometric Systems: Workshops on Geometry Curricula koji nam je prihvaćen u sklopu Fulbright Specialist programa. Također je i dobitnik Fulbright stipendije zahvaljujući kojoj je proveo 5 mjeseci u 2022. godini također na Odjelu za matematiku.
Kratki opis predavanja:
A financial network has a natural representation as a graph: each dealer in the network is represented by a vertex and two vertices are connected by an edge if and only if the associated dealers have some sort of financial agreement or interaction. Also, a graph is naturally a topological object. Algebraic topology, via homology theory, provides a collection of tools one can use to analyze topological objects. When interpreted correctly, these homological tools provide measures of complexity. We will show how the homology theory can be applied to yield information about the complexity of financial networks.
Kratka biografija:
Mathew Timm is a professor of Mathematics at Bradley University, where he has taught since receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Iowa in Geometric Topology in 1989. His research interests include topological, and related group theoretic, questions in the area of covering space theory. Those interests also include applications of the topology to the analysis of financial networks.