Pozivamo Vas na 27. Fakultetski seminar Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta, koji će se održati u srijedu 26. rujna 2018. godine u 13:00 sati u amfiteatru A1-1 na kojem će  dr. sc. Željka Sanader s našeg Odjela za fiziku, trenutno na postdoktorskom usavršavanju u Danish Cancer Research Institutu održati predavanje:

Changing the substrate specificity of known enzymes for a green production of adipic acid

Željka Sanader

Faculty of Science, University of Split, Ruđera Boškovića 33, Split

Danish Cancer Society, Strandboulevarden 49, København, Denmark


Currently, the world is trying to step away from fossil-fuel based economy towards more ecologically friendly bio-based economy. One step in this path is finding novel biological routes for the production of a broad range of chemicals important to the modern society. One of them is adipic acid, an important dicarboxylic acid that has versatile use as a plasticizer, detergent, flavoring agent, and most importantly in the production of nylon. In this project, focus is on a metabolic pathway that would produce the adipic acid from the amino acid lysine (Lys). The proposed pathway consists of several steps, and the first step is convertsion of Lys into 6-aminohex-2-enoic acid (6-AHEA). Chemical methods for this deamination reaction are known; however, no enzymes able to carry out this reaction on lysine have been identified. The aim of the project is to engineer known enzymes in such a way that would enable them to convert Lys into 6-AHEA.

Napomena: Kolegica trenutno radi u grupi koja radi na projektima iz područja bioinformatike i strukturne biologije, u kojoj se razvijaju parametri za nova polja sile i koriste kvantno-mehaničke simulacije. Spomenuti projekti mogli bi biti zanimljivi našim studentima, osobito studentima biofizike, koji su zainteresirani za pisanje diplomskog rada u okviru Erasmus programa. U grupi su trenutno dva Erasmus studenta koji izrađuju svoje diplomske radove.


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