Pozivamo Vas na 45. Fakultetski seminar Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta, koji će se održati u četvrtak 23. rujna 2021. godine u 13:00 sati u amfiteatru A0-1 na kojem izv. prof. dr. sc. Jaroslav Katona održati predavanje pod naslovom „Desing of functional printing materials“. Predavanje će se održati uz poštivanje epidemioloških mjera.
Printing has proved to be a useful deposition technique for a variety of functional materials, utilized in a range of applications such as sensors, biotechnology, and printed electronics. To that purpose, traditional (inkjet printing, screen printing etc.) along with recently developed printing technologies have been employed. In order to obtain printable functional materials, the materials need to be incorporated into functional inks having physico–chemical properties tuned for a specific printing technique. Here, development of silver nanoparticle inks for low temperature, flexible printed electronics is presented. Firstly, design of functional Ag nanoparticles able to coalesce and form highly conductive patterns at T<150 oC will be shown. Secondly, preparation and properties of Ag nanoparticle based functional inks will be presented.
O predavaču:
dr Jaroslav Katona, (jaroslav.katona@uns.ac.rs) is associate professor and vice dean for finance at University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, Serbia. His research focuses on material science and nanotechnology, in particular on design of functional colloids and their application in a variety of fields such as food science materials, delivery systems, functional printing inks and sensors. He obtained PhD in technical sciences in 2010 from the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, Serbia, was the AGFA Discovery fellow at Advanced Materials Research Center, Mortsel, Belgium (2006–2007), and visiting researcher at Faculty of Chemistry, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium (2011-2012). He published 38 SCI papers and several globally granted patents. His h–index is 13 (google scholar), he serves as a regular reviewer at several leading journals in his field and is editorial board member of Colloids and Interfaces journal.